Freenas Full Install Xzavier


So I've been playing with FreeNAS over the last week, finally trying to get my act together and store my important files properly.

  1. Freenas Full Install Xavier
Freenas Full Install Xzavier

I'm finding myself wanting to install and compile additional packages.

To install from a USB stick to another USB stick, two USB ports are needed, each with an inserted USB device. One USB stick contains the installer. The other USB stick is the destination for the FreeNAS ® installation. Take care to select the correct USB device for the FreeNAS ® installation. It is not possible to install FreeNAS ® onto the same USB stick containing the installer. Installing and Upgrading FreeNAS. In other words, you can not install FreeNAS® into the same USB stick that you boot the installer from. P2k easy tools 3.7 download. After installation.

Freenas Full Install Xzavier

pkg_add has been great for some things, but it appears that my install is rather crippled.

  1. make is missing. I installed gmake and linked make to that.
  2. math.h is missing as is sys/cdefs.h I thought these are part of any core unix/linux system?
  3. cc is missing though I've installed gcc45. I'm used to having just gcc. Sure I can create a link, but I'm not sure this is the proper thing to do.
  4. perl installed fine, but I can't add stuff with cpan. This is how I discovered 1,2, and 3.

So my question is this: do I just need to bite the bullet and install a full FreeBSD? The web interface to FreeNAS is kinda nice


1 Answer

I know how frustrating and stressful this whole thing is!!

My alternative to this problem is to create a freebsd jail on top of freenas.

Then you're able to issue any commands you desire and can also link them together!

This is the simplest way I found so far to achieve this and it's awesome!

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Hope that helps!

David CabrejosDavid Cabrejos

Freenas Full Install Xavier

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