Cara Menghapus Driver Printer Windows Xp


The HP Deskjet printer comes with a suite of software and utilities, including an online user guide, updater tool and drivers. If the drivers are not installed on your computer, the Deskjet printer won't work properly. Sep 17, 2015 - After uninstalling or deleting a printer in Windows, the driver for it is not fully uninstalled. You would like to know how to manually remove the driver files. Windows XP does not have this extra choice. If you get a. Cara menghilangkan pop up CoinHive dari blog dengan menghapus. Printer sharing lan jaringan pada windows xp. Cara instal driver printer cara.

I'm trying to do uninstall a printer driver using the command line in Windows XP. I've figured out that I should use this command:

(Funny thing here, if i type /v 'Windows XP' as it says in the help for printUIEntry it doesn't work at all.)

When executing this command I get an error message saying:

Operation could not be completed. The specified printer driver is currently in use.

When I try to uninstall the printer 'manually' with either the uninstall tool or just deleting it in 'Printers and Faxes' in the Control panel it works fine. Does anyone know of a way to force the deletion or maybe stop the drivers first? (It might be worth noting that the printer is not in use.)


1 Answer

You can use regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPrintPrinters and delete the print driver key from there manually. Once you do that just restart the print spooler and your ready to go. This will leave the files behind, but will remove the driver from the lists.

The issue is that some user on the system has the printer installed and if you simply delete that printer from the user you can then delete the driver without issue. Using the registry method you can delete drivers that do things like cause the print spooler to crash, as managing the drivers requires the service, wonderful chicken and egg issue if you ever run in to it.

Note: registry editing warnings apply, be careful what else you do in there.

David RemyDavid Remy

Cara Menghapus Driver Printer Di Pc

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I'm using FinePrint to do double-sided printing on Windows XP SP2. It prints all odd pages, then you re-insert the pages and it prints the even sides. There are times I want to cancel printing before the job is finishes. To stop printing I can do one of three things. I can wait until the first side is done and press the FinePrint Cancel button; I can pull the paper out of the feeder tray; or, I can turn off the printer.
The problem is that I can't seem to flush the printer cache.
I try to delete the print job from the print queue. I says it's deleting it, but the job remains in the queue. I've tried unplugging power to the printer and launching a Command Shell to stop the spooler:
C:> net stop spooler
Plugging in power and deleting the print job again. Then restarting the spooler.
C:> net start spooler
Sometiimes this works, but not always.
So I'm thinking there must be another way. Perhaps if I remove the job from the Registry by hand... If so, what keys would I look for?

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