Contoh Program Queue Dengan Linked List


Program kali ini cukup istimewa karena menggunakan class sebagai dasar dari OOP(Object Oriented Programing) berikut source code dari program queue menggunakan linked list. I have some problems that code. I read file in code and build one stack and one queues structure. But the code wasn't run correctly. This is Node class I used.

  1. Contoh Program Queue Dengan Linked List
/*Queue - Linked List implementation*/
struct Node {
int data;
struct Node* next;
// Two glboal variables to store address of front and rear nodes.
struct Node* front = NULL;
struct Node* rear = NULL;
// To Enqueue an integer
voidEnqueue(int x) {
struct Node* temp =
(struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
temp->data =x;
temp->next = NULL;
if(front NULL && rear NULL){
front = rear = temp;
rear->next = temp;
rear = temp;
// To Dequeue an integer.
voidDequeue() {
struct Node* temp = front;
if(front NULL) {
printf('Queue is Emptyn');
if(front rear) {
front = rear = NULL;
else {
front = front->next;
intFront() {
if(front NULL) {
printf('Queue is emptyn');
return front->data;
voidPrint() {
struct Node* temp = front;
while(temp != NULL) {
temp = temp->next;
/* Drive code to test the implementation. */
// Printing elements in Queue after each Enqueue or Dequeue
Enqueue(2); Print();
Enqueue(4); Print();
Enqueue(6); Print();
Dequeue(); Print();
Enqueue(8); Print();

commented May 25, 2015

Thnx 😄 ^_^

commented Oct 30, 2015

There is a mistake in dequeue method .you need to do temp = temp->next;
then free(first); first = temp;
You are freeing the second element each time and if free->next is null then it will crash.

commented Apr 4, 2016

Shouldn't you return something with the Dequeue function?

commented Jul 23, 2016

Why have you used the Front function? It's never really called. Please explain the purpose of this function definition.

commented Jul 23, 2016

@MRSharff - The purpose of dequeue function is to delete a node from the linked list. It has nothing to do with returning something.

commented Nov 6, 2016

Thanks a lot for this sample code.

commented Nov 15, 2016

Hey, There is a typo in Front function, when frontNULL - > return -1 or something instead of nothing. ðŸ‘x8D

commented Mar 14, 2017

Your code is very helpful here is another example hope it adds to your concept.
C++ queue implementation using linked list

commented Apr 28, 2017

There is a simpler one here

commented Nov 27, 2017

commented Dec 20, 2017

what we must do if the Data in our struct was int and string (number and name of student)

commented Dec 25, 2017

can anyone tell me what is the use of the function int Front in this code?I am confused.
Thanks in advance!

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commented Jan 29, 2018

@labeelola This is when you want to view, the latest value in front of the queue. This is not called, but that's not a problem, you can call it anywhere. It is just to view.

commented Mar 21, 2018

Hey guys, Please help me to complete my Assignment, I dont know much about C Programming

  1. Create a Queue.h file. This file contains:

    Node definition - int number, and a node pointer.

    Queue definition - head, tail, nodeCount

    Set of functions -

    a. void CreateQueue(Queue *q)

    b. Boolean CheckQueueEmpty(Queue *q)

    c. void enqueue(int number, Queue *q) Goofball goals key.

    d. int dequeue(Queue *q)

  2. Create a Queue.c file. This file contains all the functions implementation listed in Queue.h.

Remark: ADT Queue is 'First in First Out'.

enqueue - always add a new node at the back of the queue.

dequeue - delete the head of the queue.

commented Aug 10, 2018

Thank you so much

commented Aug 26, 2018

sir make videos on other topics also,i observed that u r not uploading videos from past 2-3 years ,why sir?

commented Oct 13, 2018


commented Jan 3, 2019

Why have you used the Front function? It's never really called. Please explain the purpose of this function definition.

Its to get the first element of the Queue(He didn't call it though)

commented Feb 11, 2019

If anyone tried with local front and rear variables in main method !

commented Feb 11, 2019

in the Dequeue function when the second if(frontrear) runs we have to free the space of node pointed by front previously i.e first node is the one when front and rear are equal if we modify the pointer front and rear to NULL we are wasting the memory of first node that was created
please reply

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class item //atau node/simpul
public int data; // data item
public item next; // next node link in list
public item prev; // previous node link in list
public item(int id) // constructor
data = id; // initialize data

Contoh Program Queue Dengan Linked List

} // set to null)
public void displayLink() // display ourself
System.out.print('{' + data + '} ');
} // end class Link
class StackLinkList
private item top; // ref to first link on list
private item bottom; // ref to last link on list
public StackLinkList() // constructor
top = bottom = null; // no items on list yet
public boolean isEmpty() // true if list is empty
return (topnull);
public void push(int id) //node baru selalu di top
{ // make new link
item newitem = new item(id);
if (top null) // the first node created
top = bottom = newitem; // first --> newLink
else // the second node and the next node
{ = newitem; //next dr top (awal) diarahkan ke node baru
newitem.prev = top; //prev dr node baru diarahkan ke tail (awal)
top = newitem; //top (baru) diarahkan ke node baru
public item pop() // delete first item
{ item temp = null;
if (top null) // stack is empty
System.out.println('Stack is empty');
else if (top bottom) // stack is only one data
temp = top;
top = bottom = null;
else // stack has more than one data
temp = top; // save reference to link
top = top.prev; // delete it: first-->old next = null;
return temp;
public void display()
item current = bottom; // start from the first data
while(current != null) // until end of list,
current.displayLink(); // print data
current =; // move to next link
} // end class LinkList
class StackLinkListApp
public static void main(String[] args)
StackLinkList theStack = new StackLinkList(); // make new list
System.out.println('Initializing Stack..');
theStack.push(22); // insert four items
Contoh Program Queue Dengan Linked List theStack.push(44);
System.out.println('Display Forward :');
theStack.display(); // display list
System.out.println('Delete Stack from Top..');
while( !theStack.isEmpty() ) // until it's empty,
item aLink = theStack.pop(); // delete link
System.out.print('Deleted '); // display it
theStack.display(); // display list
} // end main()
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