Emperor Battle For Dune Resolution Patch


» Emperor: Battle for Dune » Downloads. The latest patch for Emperor: Battle for Dune is primarily to add support for the BETA release of our Map Editor. UPDATE: There is a much better and user friendly hi-res patch out, it's included in the cncnet 5 version of Dune 2000 (which gives you multiplayer support via CnCNet 5.

Author: N.Kindt, D2K Sardaukar and MVI
Please read the readme files carefully, and also the notes below.


The patch is finally ready, and the bugs like crashes in starport menu are gone now. You can finally play Dune 2000 in hi-res, which makes selecting units and pending to the map a lot easier. Please note: in order to get both the sub-houses fix and the mission select mod working with the script, you should install both BEFORE you apply the high-res patch. It is also advised (according to the readme) to install the patch on a fresh copy of Dune 2000, without old hi-res patches or unfinished mods. The vanilla (original CD) version of Dune 2000 and the patched-for-multiplayer version (with Windows 7 fixes & IPX fixes) are supported. As of 1.4.0 there is also support for undoing the patch.

Starcraft 2 wings of liberty. Update: 1.4.1 is now available, which adds acceptable 8-bit support.

Editor Note: Please note that this does not work with the CnCNet patch or the GruntMods Edition, as they use a newer incompatible version of the patching framework, which includes a newer version of the High Resolution patch that works with online multiplayer.

Emperor battle for dune high resolution patch

Emperor is the second Dune game developed by both Westwood Studios and Intelligent Games. Westwood broke new ground with Emperor and went 3D, it was their first true 3D RTS. Other advancements included a new type of campaign mode which let you play online in groups of up to 3 players. Emperor is a sequel to Dune2 & Dune 2000 including an entirely new storyline created by Westwood.

The basics behind the story is that the Emperor has been assassinated in the year 10190 and his throne has been left vacant. Because of this the Atreides, Ordos, and Harkonnen have once again returned to 'Battle for Dune' except this time the battle will also be taken to the homeplanets of each of the three Houses. There will also be the Ix, Fremen, Sardaukar, Guild, Tleilaxu factions available to ally with during the campaign and during multiplayer games.

For more information on what the game included check out the sections below.


  • Fan Maps - Download maps that have been created by fans.
  • Official Maps - Download official maps from Westwood Studios.
  • Editors - These programs will allow you to edit your copy of Emperor.
  • Modifications - Modifications to change the game in different ways.
  • Patches - A page of patches to fix problems with the game.
  • Video - Video trailers and clips from the game.
  • Audio - Audio tracks from the soundtrack and other sources.


Emperor Of Dune

  • Houses - Contains information on the three main playable Houses as well as the five sub-Houses.
  • Planets/Homeworlds - Information on each of the four planets you will have a chance to play on.
  • Structures - Images and details for each of the structures.
  • Units - Units from Emperor including a brief overview.


  • Features - A listing of the games features and brief description.
  • Requirements - A list of the minimum requirements.
  • Storyline - An overview of the storyline found in Emperor.
  • Cast - The cast of characters found throughout the game.
  • Reviews - Reviews of the game, with links if possible.
  • Media Articles - Previews, Interviews, and Press Releases for Emperor.
  • Keyboard Commands - Complete listing of the hotkey commands.


Emperor Battle For Dune Crack

  • Gameplay Screenshots - In-game screenshots that show the game in action.
  • Cutscene Captures - The actors and cutscenes from the game.
  • Renderings - Renders of both the units and structures.
  • Misc Images - Other images like ads from gaming magazines and 3D screenshots.
  • Sidebar Icons - This section takes the images found on the sidebars.
  • Preview Movie Images - Details and images from the first Emperor movie released.


  • Online Guide - Information on how and where you can play Emperor online.
  • Emperor: Alliances - A document detailing the proposed expansion to Emperor that never happened.
  • Emperor Suggestions - A list of suggestions, complaints, and ideas for Emperor.
  • Fan Reviews - Fan reviews of the game.
  • GameSpy Chat - A transcript and overview of the chat with Chris Longpre of Westwood held at GameSpy.
  • Westwood's FAQ - Westwood's official FAQ for Dune Emperor, answers a few of the most common questions.
  • Map Editor Petition - Signatures from the successful map editor petition.
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